Scented cars can help reduce… traffic accidents

Scientists from the University of Sussex (UK) said: When driving in a simulated laboratory environment and spraying a gentle scent on the driver, it can significantly reduce traffic accidents. .

To do this, they attached an incense spray device to the center of the steering wheel. The device works when the vehicle falls into a dangerous situation, such as a bicycle suddenly appearing or another vehicle turning over. The results show that some scents have the ability to significantly help drivers avoid accidents.

Smell is a sense that responds more quickly than hearing or sight. Scientists believe that creating a fragrance in the car can “wake up” the driver’s brain faster than a visual warning.

The team of scientists used a variety of scents, including rose, lemon and musk – a scent used in the perfume industry. Accordingly, the smell of roses helps reduce up to 64% of accidents. In contrast, the scent of musk increased it by 46%.

Currently, some manufacturers have also put systems in cars that can diffuse different scents with just the press of a button. They do not create the same effect because then the driver’s nose quickly gets used to a constant smell. However, drivers will have to pay attention if they are occasionally sprayed with scent.

Dmitrijs Dmitrenko, a researcher at Sussex, said: Their idea was inspired by a new trend in the car industry, which is perfume for “beloved cars”. However, the idea is not ready for practical application because the technology requires a device based on artificial intelligence that can sense danger ahead.

The group of scientists expects the idea to receive attention from the industry’s leading auto companies.

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